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Official maps of Germany
  •  Official. 

  •  Flexible.

  •  Current. 

  •  Modern.

basemap.de refers to a group of cartographic products developed by the federal and state governments.
The new basemap.de products
• basemap.de web grid  Raster map services, operational since April 2022
• basemap.de web vector  Vector map service, operational since August 2022
• basemap.de web raster hillshade  Hillshade mapping service, operational since August 2022
• basemap.de P10  Präsentationsausgabe im Maßstab 1:10.000, operativ seit Januar 2024


Highly topical

Usable for web, mobile, print

Free configurability via maps in vector format

Wide compatibility through classic and modern interfaces

Constant development of the map display, map content and interfaces

Visualization of three-dimensional geodata

Consistent content and presentation

What all basemap.de products have in common is that they are derived from a central process and database, which enables the rapid, flexible and economical creation of previous and new cartographic products from surveying administrations.
Further information about the process, technology, tutorials and practical applications can be found in the project section.
To the project
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