Web Raster Shading


The product offers uniform relief hillshading throughout Germany and elevation layer representation based on the ATKIS-DGM5. The product includes an oblique light shade (basemap.de Web Raster Hillshade), a combined hillshade (basemap.de Web Raster Combshade) and a height layer display (basemap.de Web Raster ColorDEM).


This is provided basemap.de web raster hillshade via WMS and WMTS services at ZSGT (WMS and WMTS). The content components (variations) can be accessed in the form of layers of the services.

WMS (versions 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.3.0): https://sgx.geodatenzentrum.de/wms_basemapde_schummerung?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&Version=1.3.0
WMTS: https://sgx.geodatenzentrum.de/wmts_basemapde_schummerung/1.0.0/WMTSCapabilities.xml

The raster tile archives are produced in Web Mercator (EPSG: 3857) projections and additionally made available in ETRS89 UTM32 (EPSG: 25832) and ETRS89 UTM33 (EPSG: 25833) via the Services.

Currentness and meta information

The basemap.de web raster hillshade is updated annually based on the DGM5 provided nationwide by the BKG. The ATKIS DGM5 of the federal states form the basis of this DGM5. The basemap.de web raster hillshade is only updated when the source data available nationwide is updated.

The meta information is available through the Services.

Additional information

Further information about the services and the product can be found in the AdV product specifications basemap.de web raster hillshade WMS and WMTS as well as the AdV product and quality standard basemap.de web raster hillshade be removed.

There is also a short summary documentation:
- Documentation basemap.de Web Raster Shading

License and Terms of Use

The following license and usage conditions apply:
PDF file