p10 grid


The presentation edition basemap.de P10 grid (P10) is a topographical map series developed jointly by the federal and state governments and has been available since January 2024 new AdV standard product in a first version before. The technical basis is the automated workflow for producing maps from the basemap.de product family.

The presentation edition P10 is a print-optimized and scale-related map edition at a scale of 1:10,000. She presents Uniform and comprehensive throughout Germany official geobase data in a modern cartographic edition and will constantly developed in terms of content and technology. This first version is made available via https://basemap.de as a download service.

As the content basis of the basemap.de P10 grid The official geobase data ATKIS Basis-DLM, Hausrumringe and Digital Terrain Models (DGM) of the states are used. Other free data sources were also used for the labeling, such as census data.

The P10 wird in zwei Ausgabevarianten Farbe („col“) und Grau („gry“) in den Projektionen ETRS89 UTM32 (EPSG 25832) und ETRS89 UTM33 (EPSG 25833) hergestellt. Die Projektion ETRS89 UTM33 wird dabei lediglich für die Bundesländer Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Berlin und Sachsen (je nach Anforderung des Landes mit oder ohne Saum) berechnet und bereitgestellt.

Currentness and meta information

The basemap.de P10 grid is updated quarterly. You can find a detailed list of all data sources used and the current status of the respective data sets at the following link:

• Data updates basemap.de P10 grid

The legends (gray and color) of the basemap.de P10 grid can be accessed under the following links:

From Q2-2024, the legends will also be part of the zip archives.

Deployment & Downloads

The basemap.de P10 grid is made available for download in the form of ZIP archives free of charge on a state-by-state basis. The grid tiles included are available as compressed GeoTiff in 4x4 km tiles (edge resolution 8000 pixels) with the characteristics color and gray. In addition to the grid tiles, it includes a CSV file with meta information and a JSON file with a tile overview.
P10 (EPSG 25832)

Federal StateDownloadSize (gigabytes)DownloadSize (gigabytes)
Brandenburgbb.zip color58,4 GBbb.zip Gray9,7 GB
Berlinbe.zip color2,8 GB be.zip Gray0,6 GB
Baden-Württembergbw.zip color125,6 GB bw.zip Gray18,0 GB
Bavariaby.zip color223,5 GBby.zip Gray31,2 GB
Bremenhb.zip color1,5 GBhb.zip Gray0,3 GB
Hessehe.zip color77,6 GBhe.zip Gray10,9 GB
Hamburghh.zip color2,8 GBhh.zip Gray0,6 GB
Mecklenburg-Western Pomeraniamv.zip color49,7 GBmv.zip Gray8,1 GB
Lower Saxonyni.zip color93,7 GBni.zip Gray17,0 GB
North Rhine-Westphalianw.zip color99,1 GBnw.zip Gray15,6 GB
Rhineland-Palatinaterp.zip color76,0 GBrp.zip Gray10,4 GB
Schleswig-Holsteinsh.zip color37,7 GBsh.zip Gray7,2 GB
Saarlandsl.zip color10,8 GBsl.zip Gray1,5 GB
Saxonysn.zip color50,7 GBsn.zip Gray7,8 GB
Saxony-Anhaltst.zip color42,1 GBst.zip Gray6,8 GB
Thuringiath.zip color57,0 GBth.zip Gray7,9 GB
Die Bereitstellung für das 2. Quartal verzögert sich aus technischen Gründen um einige Tage.
P10 (EPSG 25833)

Federal StateDownloadSize (gigabytes)DownloadSize (gigabytes)
Brandenburgbb.zip color72,4 GBbb.zip Gray12,2 GB
Berlinbe.zip color2,9 GBbe.zip Gray0,6 GB
Mecklenburg-Western Pomeraniamv.zip color49,7 GBmv.zip Gray8,1 GB
Saxonysn.zip color70,1 GBsn.zip Gray11,1 GB
Die Bereitstellung für das 2. Quartal verzögert sich aus technischen Gründen um einige Tage.
The following tile overviews serve as orientation regarding the tiles contained in the ZIP archives. A tile-by-tile download is currently not possible.

Additional information

Further information about the product can be found here AdV product and quality standard basemap.de presentation editions be removed.

There is also a short summary documentation:

• Documentation basemap.de P10 grid

as well as a release notes file:

• Release Notes basemap.de P10 grid

License and Terms of Use

The following license and usage conditions apply:
Photo: Rawpixel Ltd.
Copyright © 2024 basemap.de 